Alipore Zoological Garden, Kolkata

Zoological Garden, Alipore, Kolkata

Zoo Mammals


Scientific name : Boselaphus tragocamelus
  • DISTRIBUTION : Major populations occur in India Nepal and Pakistan whereas it is extinct in Bangladesh.
  • HABITAT : Short bushes and scattered trees in scrub forests and grassy plains.
  • BEHAVIOUR AND FOOD HABIT : The nilgai is diurnal. Females and juveniles do not interact appreciably with males, except during the mating season. Groups are generally small, with ten or fewer individuals, though groups of 20 to 70 individuals can occur at times. They are herbivores, their diet consists of nilgai grasses and herbs; woody plants are commonly eaten in the dry tropical forests of India.
  • FOOD SERVED HERE : Concentrated feed sweet potato & carrot green fodder paddy straw.
    1. BODY LENGTH- 1.7 to 2.1 metres
    2. BODY WEIGHT- 109 to 288 kilograms
    3. BODY COLOUR - Females and juveniles are orange to tawny males are much darker their coat is typically bluish grey.
  • LIFE-SPAN : 12 to 20 years.
  • THREAT : Rampant hunting deforestation and habitat degradation.
  • CONSERVATION STATUS : Least Concern by IUCN Schedule I of the Indian WPA 1972


Scientific name : Giraffa camelopardalis
  • DISTRIBUTION : Eastern South Sudan and South-Western Ethiopia Kenya and Uganda
  • HABITAT : Giraffes usually inhabit savannahs and woodlands.
  • BEHAVIOUR AND FOOD HABIT : Giraffes are usually found in groups. During courtship, males emit loud coughs. Females call their young by bellowing. Mothers with calves will gather in nursery herds, moving or browsing together. Their food source is leaves, fruits and flowers of woody plants, primarily acacia species, which they browse at heights most other herbivores cannot reach. They mainly eat seeds, leaves and fruits.
  • FOOD SERVED HERE : Concentrated feed sweet potato and carrot banana apple oranges green fodder & cut branches.
    1. BODY LENGTH- 4.3 to 5.7 m on an averag
    2. BODY WEIGHT- 1192 kg in males 828 kg in females. T
    3. BODY COLOUR - The coat has dark blotches or patches i.e. orange chestnut brown or nearly black in colour separated by light hair usually white or cream in colour.
  • LIFE-SPAN : bout 23 to 25 years in wild and 32 to 40 years in captivity
  • THREAT : Hunted for their meat coat and tails. Tail for good luck bracelets fly whisks and string for sewing beads. The coat is used for shield coverings. Habitat destruction and fragmentation
  • CONSERVATION STATUS : Exotic mammal. IUCN Red List 2016 3.1 Vulnerable


Scientific name : Lemur catta Linnaeus 1758
  • DISTRIBUTION : Endemic to southern and south-western Madagascar.
  • HABITAT : It inhabits deciduous forests dry scrub montane humid forests
  • BEHAVIOUR AND FOOD HABIT : The breeding season runs from mid April to mid May. Gestation lasts for about 135 days and after that they give birth to one or two babies. They eat flowers herbs saps insect cocoons arthropods and small vertebrates.
    1. BODY LENGTH- 39 - 46 cm.
    2. BODY WEIGHT- 2.2 kg
    3. BODY COLOUR - The ventral chest coat and throat are white or cream. The dorsal back coat varies from gray to rosy-brown sometimes with a brown pygal patch around the tail region where the fur grades to pale gray or grayish brown. They have long tails have a fur pattern of alternating black and white rings.
  • LIFE-SPAN : 16-19 years
  • THREAT : Habitat destruction.
  • CONSERVATION STATUS : Endangered IUCN 3.1 CITES Appendix I


Scientific name : Felis chaus kutas
  • DISTRIBUTION : iddle East the Indian subcontinent central and Southeast Asia Sri Lanka and in southern China.
  • HABITAT : Found in places with adequate water and dense vegetation such as swamps wetlands and riparian areas. Reeds and tall grasses constitute its typical habitat.
  • BEHAVIOUR AND FOOD HABIT : They are diurnal , activity tends to decrease during the hot noon hours. Rests in burrows, grass thickets and scrubs. Solitary in nature. Territories are maintained by urine spraying and scent marking; some males have been observed rubbing their cheeks on objects to mark them. Their diet includes prefers small mammals gerbils, hares and rodents and birds; fishes, frogs, insects and reptiles small snakes.
  • FOOD SERVED HERE : Buffalo Boneless meat.
    1. BODY LENGTH- 59 to 76 cm.
    2. BODY WEIGHT- 3 to 16 kg
    3. BODY COLOUR - Body colour is reddish brown on the back of both the ears. Eyes have yellow irises and elliptical pupils with white lines around. Dark lines run from the corner of the eyes down the sides of the nose having a dark patch marks.
  • LIFE-SPAN : 15 to 20 years in captivity.
  • THREAT : Habitat loss hunting and poaching over exploitation.
  • CONSERVATION STATUS : Scheduled I of Wildlife P Act 1972 and IUCN version 3.1 Least Concern.


Scientific name : Tetracerus quadricornis
  • DISTRIBUTION : Deciduous forests in India
  • HABITAT : Inhabits areas with significant cover from grasses or heavy undergrowth and close to water bodies.
  • BEHAVIOUR AND FOOD HABIT : The four horned antelope is diurnal. Although they are solitary by nature they may form a group of loose groups of 3 to 5 individuals with one or more adults accompanied by juveniles They feed on grasses herbs shrubs foliage flowers and fruits.
  • FOOD SERVED HERE : Concentrated feed sweet potato and carrot green fodder.
    1. BODY LENGTH- 55 to 64 cm.
    2. BODY WEIGHT- 17 to 22 kg.
    3. BODY COLOUR - Slender with thin legs and a short tail the four-horned antelope has a yellowish brown to reddish coat.
  • LIFE-SPAN : 10 years.
  • THREAT : Mainly threatened by the loss of its natural habitat due to agricultural expansion and trophy hunting for its unusual four-horned skull.
  • CONSERVATION STATUS : Vulnerable on the IUCN Red List Schedule I of the Indian WPA 1972.


Scientific name : Cuon alpinus
  • DISTRIBUTION : India Myanmar Indonesia China Bhutan Bangladesh, Vietnam.
  • HABITAT : The species inhabits the alpine steppes mountainous areas alpine meadows and high-montane steppes high above sea level and sometimes sighted along coastlines.
  • BEHAVIOUR AND FOOD HABIT : Dholes are very social and have less of a dominance hierarchy. They live in clans rather than packs. The mating season occurs between mid-October and January. The gestation period lasts 60-63 days with litter sizes averaging four to six pups. The Dhole eats wild berries insects and lizards. Packs of Dholes feast on mammals ranging from rodents to deer. Some of the Dholes favourites include wild pigs hares wild goats sheep and occasionally a monkey in the wild
    1. BODY LENGTH- 17 - 21 inch at shoulder around 3ft. in length
    2. BODY WEIGHT- Males: 15 – 21 kg Females:10 – 17 kg.
    3. BODY COLOUR - The general tone of the fur is reddish with the brightest hues occurring in winter.
  • LIFE-SPAN : 15-16 years.
  • THREAT : Legal and illegal logging hunting.
  • CONSERVATION STATUS : Near Threatened IUCN 3.1 Schedule II of the Wildlife Protection Act 1972.


Scientific name : Muntiacus muntjak
  • DISTRIBUTION : Bangladesh, Southern China, North-Eeastern India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Pakistan, Cambodia, Vietnam, the Malay Peninsula, the Riau Archipelago, Sumatra, Bangka Island, Belitung, Java, Bali, and Borneo.
  • HABITAT : Indian muntjac is found in the tropical and subtropical deciduous forests, grasslands, savannas, and scrub forests, as well as in the hilly country on the slopes of the Himalayas.
  • BEHAVIOUR AND FOOD HABIT : Indian muntjac is a solitary animal, territory marking is done by scent marker (secretions of the preorbital gland). Fight for territory, mate and resources between males is common. Under predation threat or life stress they give out bark-like alarm call. Omnivores, both browsers and grazers with a diet consisting of grasses, ivy, prickly bushes, low growing leaves, bark, twigs, herbs, fruit, sprouts, seeds, tender shoots, bird eggs and small warm-blooded animals.
  • FOOD SERVED HERE : Wheat bran, soaked gram, crushed barley, red potato, carrot, leafy vegetables, boiled lentil, cabbage green fodder, oats, banana, common salt.
    1. BODY LENGTH- Varies from 35 to 53 and the height ranges from 15 to 26cm.
    2. BODY WEIGHT- Averages around 18 kg.
    3. BODY COLOUR - It has very soft, thick, dense coat covering. Coloration of the coat changes from dark brown to yellowish and grayish brown depending on the season. The Muntjacs coat is golden tan on the dorsal side and white on the ventral side of the body, the limbs
  • LIFE-SPAN : 17 years in captivity
  • THREAT : Hunted for sport as well as for their meat and skin, human-wildlife conflict.


Scientific name : Elephas maximus
  • DISTRIBUTION : Bangladesh, Bhutan,Cambodia, China, India, Laos, Malay ,Peninsula, Myanmar ,Nepal, Thailand, Vietnam.
  • HABITAT : Grasslands tropical evergreen forests semi-evergreen forests moist deciduous and also dry deciduous forests and dry thorn forests in addition to cultivated and secondary forests and scrublands.
  • BEHAVIOUR AND FOOD HABIT : They scrape the soil for clay or minerals. Elephants are able to distinguish low amplitude sounds. They use infrasound to communicate. They were thought to typically follow the leadership of older adult females. Generalist feeders and they are grazers and browsers both. They need 80 – 200 litres of water a day.
  • FOOD SERVED HERE : Rice soaked gram paddy lentil wheat molasses green leaves fodder sugarcane top banana salt.
    1. BODY LENGTH- Varies from 5.5 to 6.5 m.
    2. BODY WEIGHT- Below 4 tons.
    3. BODY COLOUR - It has a sparsely haired dark coloured skin.
  • LIFE-SPAN : 60 years in captivity
  • THREAT : Habitat loss hunting poaching and loss of corridors.
  • CONSERVATION STATUS : Scheduled I of Wildlife P Act 1972 and IUCN 2016 ver 3.1 Endangered


Scientific name : Hyaena hyaena
  • DISTRIBUTION : North and East Africa the Middle East the Caucasus Central Asia and the Indian subcontinent.
  • HABITAT : no
  • BEHAVIOUR AND FOOD HABIT : The striped hyena is a primarily nocturnal animal which typically only leaves its den at the onset of total darkness, returning before sunrise.Their diet consists of wild boar porcupines and tortoises.
  • FOOD SERVED HERE : Buffalo meat
    1. BODY LENGTH- 22 to 55 Kg
    2. BODY WEIGHT- 60 to 80 cm Adult
    3. BODY COLOUR - The coat is usually of a dirty brownish grey or dirty grey colour. The hairs of the mane are light grey or white at the base and black or dark brown at the tips. The muzzle is dark greyish brown brownish grey or black while the top of the head and cheeks
  • LIFE-SPAN : 12 years.
  • THREAT : Decreasing number of their food source mainly domestic animals.
  • CONSERVATION STATUS : Near threatened IUCN Red List 3.1


Scientific name : Axis axis
  • DISTRIBUTION : Indian sub continent Nepal Bhutan Bangladesh and Sri Lanka.
  • HABITAT : They inhabit grassland and forests with abundant floor vegetation.
  • BEHAVIOUR AND FOOD HABIT : Chital are active throughout the day. Activity peaks as dusk approaches. As days grow cooler, foraging begins before sunrise and peaks by early morning. Activity slows down during midday, chital forms matriarchal herds comprising an adult female and her offspring of the previous and the present year. Gives out bellows and alarm barks. Marking behaviour is pronounced in males. They are grazers. Prefers to nibble on grass. Also feed on herbs or shrubs in case of food scarcity.
  • FOOD SERVED HERE : Wheat bran Soaked corn Crushed barley red potato Carrot Leafy vegetables cabbage green fodder banana common salt linseed and soaked gram.
    1. BODY LENGTH- 150 to 155 cm for males and 140 to 145 cm for females
    2. BODY WEIGHT- 36 Kg
    3. BODY COLOUR - Coat colour is gray to reddish brown with white spots on it.
  • LIFE-SPAN : 21 years in captivity.
  • THREAT : Hunting and poaching for antlers and hide.
  • CONSERVATION STATUS : Least Concern IUCN 3.1.


Scientific name : Callithrix jacchus
  • DISTRIBUTION : East central Brazil
  • HABITAT : Can be found in a number of forest habitats. They can also inhabit savanna forests and riverine forests
  • BEHAVIOUR AND FOOD HABIT : Live in stable extended families, employ a number of vocal and visual communications. To display fear or submission, marmosets flatten their ear-tufts close to their heads Plant exudates and insects. Common marmosets feed on gum, sap, latex, and resin.
  • FOOD SERVED HERE : Minced meat ant-egg boiled egg.
    1. BODY LENGTH- 188 mm in Male 185 mm in Female
    2. BODY WEIGHT- 256 g in Male 236 g in Female.
    3. BODY COLOUR - The pelage is multicoloured being sprinkled with brown grey and yellow. It also has white ear tufts and the tail is banded. Faces black across nose area skin and have a white blaze on the forehead.
  • LIFE-SPAN : 10 to 15 years in captivity
  • THREAT : No alarming threat at present
  • CONSERVATION STATUS : Exotic mammal. IUCN Red List 2016 3.1 Least concern


Scientific name : Panthera tigris
  • DISTRIBUTION : India Bangladesh Nepal Bhutan China and Myanmar.
  • HABITAT : Lives in varied habitats like humid evergreen forests dry open jungle grassy swamps of the terai and mangrove swamps of Sundarbans.
  • BEHAVIOUR AND FOOD HABIT : Nocturnal and crepuscular in habit, excellent swimmer, usually hunts between sunset and dawn. May be able to cover long distance to hunt the prey. Carnivores, feed upon a broad range of large to small preys. In absence of natural prey, it may adopt cattle lifting and man eating habit.
  • FOOD SERVED HERE : Buffalo Meat.
    1. BODY LENGTH- 120 to 170 cm in average
    2. BODY WEIGHT- 180 to 258 kg in Male 100 to 160 kg in Female.
    3. BODY COLOUR - Pelage colour is yellow to light orange with stripes ranging from dark brown to black the belly and the interior parts of the limbs are white and the tail is orange with black rings.
  • LIFE-SPAN : About 23 years in captivity
  • THREAT : Habitat loss hunting and poaching trade for tiger derivatives.
  • CONSERVATION STATUS : Schedule of W P Act 1972 IUCN Red List 2016 3.1 Endangered


Scientific name : Hystrix indica
  • DISTRIBUTION : This species has been recorded in Turkey and the eastern Mediterranean through southwest and central Asia including Afghanistan and Turkmenistan to Pakistan India Nepal China and Sri Lanka. In the Himalayan mountains they reach altitudes of up to 2400 m
  • HABITAT : This species has a broad habitat tolerance occupying rocky hillsides tropical and temperate shrub land grasslands forests arable land plantations and gardens.
  • BEHAVIOUR AND FOOD HABIT : This species has a broad habitat tolerance, occupying rocky hillsides, tropical and temperate shrub land, grasslands, forests, arable land, plantations, and gardens.
  • FOOD SERVED HERE : Sweet potato pumpkin carrot soaked gram bread cabbage banana cucumber beans.
    1. BODY LENGTH- 70 to 90 cm with the tail
    2. BODY WEIGHT- 11 to 18 kg
    3. BODY COLOUR - Its hair is highly modified to form multiple layers of spines. Each quill is brown or black in colour with alternating bands of white. The tail is covered with shorter spines that appear white in colour.
  • LIFE-SPAN : 27 years in captivity.
  • THREAT : Porcupines are considered agricultural pests by locals who trap and use them for food.
  • CONSERVATION STATUS : Least Concern IUCN 3.1.


Scientific name : Macropus giganteus
  • DISTRIBUTION : Found in eastern and central Queensland Victoria New South Wales and southeastern South Australia
  • HABITAT : Prefers open grassland with areas of bush for daytime shelter and mainly inhabits the wetter parts of Australia
  • BEHAVIOUR AND FOOD HABIT : Eastern grey kangaroos are gregarious and form open-membership groups. The groups are made up of 2-3 females and their offspring with the same number of males of which one is dominant. They exist in a dominance hierarchy and the dominant individuals gain access to better sources of food and areas of shade. However, kangaroos are not territorial and usually fight only when females are in estrous. Females may form strong kinship bonds with their female relatives. Females with living female relatives have a greater chance of reproducing. They are predominantly grazing animal. They are herbivores, but will eat a range of plants including fungi in some cases. With the grasses they prefer to eat young green shoots.
  • FOOD SERVED HERE : Apples Carrots and Sweet Potatoes
    1. BODY LENGTH- 2.49 to 2.64 m
    2. BODY WEIGHT- 50 to 66 kg
    3. BODY COLOUR - soft grey
  • LIFE-SPAN : 6 to 8 years
  • THREAT : They are killed for their skins to make leather products like shoes for their fur and for meat.
  • CONSERVATION STATUS : Least concern by IUCN.


Scientific name : Rucervus duvacelli
  • DISTRIBUTION : India Nepal Pakistan Bangladesh.
  • HABITAT : Flat or undulating grasslands and generally keep in the outskirts of forests. Sometimes they are also found in open forest.
  • BEHAVIOUR AND FOOD HABIT : Mainly grazers feed throughout the day with peaks during the mornings and late afternoons to evenings, they form large herds of adults during the rut. When alarmed they give out shrill baying alarm calls. Their diet consists of grasses and aquatic plant.
  • FOOD SERVED HERE : Wheat bran crushed oat soaked gram crushed barley carrot red potato beans leafy vegetables Banana Common salt.
    1. BODY LENGTH- 180 cm.
    2. BODY WEIGHT- 170 to 280 kg male and 130 to 140kg female.
    3. BODY COLOUR - Hair is rather woolly and yellowish brown above but paler below with white spots along the spine. The throat belly inside of the thighs and beneath the tail is white. Coat becomes bright rufous brown during summer with manned neck.
  • LIFE-SPAN : Up to 23 years in captivity.
  • THREAT : Habitat loss hunting and poaching, over exploitation etc.
  • CONSERVATION STATUS : Scheduled I of Wildlife P Act 1972 and IUCN version 3.1 Vulnerable.


Scientific name : Panthera leo
  • DISTRIBUTION : Gir Forest in Gujarat Western India is the only wild habitat
  • HABITAT : Dry deciduous and thorny forest and savanna.
  • BEHAVIOUR AND FOOD HABIT : It is a social animal and lives in groups called prides. Males join in only to eat and mate. Prefer large prey species within a weight range of 190 to 550 kg.
  • FOOD SERVED HERE : Buffalo boneless and meat Cattle contribute significantly to the lions diet.
    1. BODY LENGTH- Varies from 170 to 240cm.
    2. BODY WEIGHT- 160 to 190 kg in male and 110 to 120 kg in females.
    3. BODY COLOUR - Fur colour ranges from ruddy-tawny heavily speckled with pelage of black to sandy or bluish-grey colour. Males have only moderate mane growth at the top of the head. Females lack the mane.
  • LIFE-SPAN : 16 - 18 years in captivity
  • THREAT : Habitat loss hunting and poaching.
  • CONSERVATION STATUS : Scheduled I of W PAct 1972 IUCN Red List 2016 3.1 Endangered


Scientific name : Melursus ursinus
  • DISTRIBUTION : India the southern lowlands of Nepal and Sri Lanka.
  • HABITAT : Occurs in a wide range of habitats including wet and dry tropical forests savannahs scrublands and grasslands below 1500 m 4900ft on the Indian subcontinent and below 300m 980ft in Sri Lankas dry forests.
  • BEHAVIOUR AND FOOD HABIT : Adult sloth bears may travel in pairs, with the males being gentle with cubs. They may fight for food. They walk in a slow shambling motion with their feet being set down in a noisy flapping motion.
  • FOOD SERVED HERE : ice wheat milk molasses honey and sour curd.
    1. BODY LENGTH- 1.4 to 1.9 m
    2. BODY WEIGHT- 55 to 105 kg in females 80 to 145 kg in males.
    3. BODY COLOUR - Sloth bear fur is completely black rusty for some specimens save for a whitish Y or V shaped mark on the chest.
  • LIFE-SPAN : 20 to 25 years.
  • THREAT : Main threat to the sloth bear is habitat loss.
  • CONSERVATION STATUS : Vulnerable on the IUCN Red List Schedule I of the Indian WPA 1972


Scientific name : Rucervus eldii eldii
  • DISTRIBUTION : Manipur India Keibul Lamjao National Park
  • HABITAT : Marshy wetlands having floating mass formed by the accumulation of organic debris and biomass.
  • BEHAVIOUR AND FOOD HABIT : Exhibits a bimodal activity pattern, starts grazing at approximately 4:30 am in the morning and 3:00 pm in the evening. Rutting takes place in the early spring months. Normally a single calf is born. The young are weaned at 7 months of age, and becomes sexually mature from 18 months of age onwards Grasses, herbaceous plants, and shoots, grasses, fruit and wetland plants and also feed on cultivated crops.
  • FOOD SERVED HERE : Wheat bran crushed oat soaked gram crushed barley carrot red potato beans leafy vegetables boiled pulses Banana Common salt
    1. BODY LENGTH- Varies from 150 to180 cm
    2. BODY WEIGHT- 125 to 175 kg
    3. BODY COLOUR - Dark reddish brown coat which turns paler in summer the female is fawn all year round.
  • LIFE-SPAN : 14 years in captivity
  • THREAT : Habitat loss hunting and poaching over exploitation
  • CONSERVATION STATUS : Scheduled I of Wildlife Act 1972 and IUCN ver 3.1 Vulnerable


Scientific name : Panthera pardus fusca
  • DISTRIBUTION : India Sri Lanka Bangladesh Pakistan Afghanistan.
  • HABITAT : Grasslands woodlands scrub jungles and riverine forests. And also fringes of human settlements.
  • BEHAVIOUR AND FOOD HABIT : The rasping call of the leopard is a familiar nocturnal call of the Indian jungle. They are good hunters of langurs up in the trees. They manage to coexist with tigers by hunting smaller prey and hauling carcasses up trees Carnivore prefers medium-sized prey with a body mass ranging from 10 –40 kilograms.
  • FOOD SERVED HERE : Buffalo Meat.
    1. BODY LENGTH- aries from 90 to 190 cm.
    2. BODY WEIGHT- Within 37 to 90 kg male and 28 to 60 kg female
    3. BODY COLOUR - Basically pale yellow to yellowish brown or golden except for the melanistic forms the coat is spotted and rosette spots fade toward the white underbelly and the insides and lower parts of the legs.
  • LIFE-SPAN : 20 to 24 years in captivity.
  • THREAT : Habitat loss hunting and poaching over exploitation
  • CONSERVATION STATUS : Scheduled I of WPA 1972 IUCN Red List 2016 3.1 Near Threatened


Scientific name : Moschiola meminna
  • DISTRIBUTION : India Nepal and Sri Lanka
  • HABITAT : This species inhabits a variety of forest types it is also noted in home gardens and coconut plantations.
  • BEHAVIOUR AND FOOD HABIT : The species is secretive and largely nocturnal only rarely being seen active during the day. They are frequently found around large water holes. When startled the alarm call is a reedy grunt which is usually followed by a rapid dash into dense vegetation. They eat a variety of leaves and fruits.
    1. BODY LENGTH- 46 - 56 cm tail length - 3cm.
    2. BODY WEIGHT- 3.1 - 3.8 kg.
    3. BODY COLOUR - Dull brown in color with three or four dotted white stripes going longitudinally along flank.
  • LIFE-SPAN : 14 years in captivity.
  • THREAT : Habitat loss hunting
  • CONSERVATION STATUS : Least Concern IUCN 3.1


Scientific name : Rusa unicolor
  • DISTRIBUTION : India Bangladesh and other south eastern countries.
  • HABITAT : Sambars inhabit both gently sloping and steep forested hillsides. They reside preferably near cultivated areas such as gardens and plantations in order to acquire food but are also found in thick forests swamp forests and open scrub.
  • BEHAVIOUR AND FOOD HABIT : Sambars are nocturnal or crepusculars (most active at twilight). Males live alone for much of the year, and the females live in small herds of up to sixteen individuals. All adults can scream or make short, high-pitched sounds when alarmed. However, they more commonly communicate by scent marking, tail signalling and foot stamping. All sambars are proficient swimmers. Mating system is Polygynous. Their diet consists of leaves, berries, grasses, bark from young trees, fallen fruit, herbs and buds.
  • FOOD SERVED HERE : Wheat bran Soaked gram Crushed barley red potato Carrot Leafy vegetables cabbage green fodder oats banana common salt.
    1. BODY LENGTH- 2 Mt.
    2. BODY WEIGHT- 180 Kg
    3. BODY COLOUR - The hairy coat of the Sambar deer is generally consistent in colour around the body but can vary from yellowish-brown to almost dark grey. The belly of the Sambar deer tends to be darker and sometimes has chestnut markings.
  • LIFE-SPAN : 26 years in captivity.
  • THREAT : Habitat encroachment and hunting.
  • CONSERVATION STATUS : Vulnerable IUCN 3.1.


Scientific name : Pan troglodytes
  • DISTRIBUTION : Heavily forested regions of Central and West Africa.
  • HABITAT : Forest Grassland
  • BEHAVIOUR AND FOOD HABIT : Lives in community, normally walk on all fours (knuckle-walking). Can stand and walk upright. By swinging from branch to branch they can also move quite efficiently in the trees, where they do most of their eating. Only primate known to make leaf nest. Omnivorous.
  • FOOD SERVED HERE : Soaked gram soaked maize crushed maize chattu minced meat ant-egg boiled egg leafy vegetables mixture of pumpkin onion and garlic.
    1. BODY LENGTH- 4.5 to 5.5 ft
    2. BODY WEIGHT- 40 to 60 kg.
    3. BODY COLOUR - The body is covered with black fur with the ventral surface having sparse distribution.
  • LIFE-SPAN : About 45 years
  • THREAT : Threatened by bush meat hunters and habitat destruction.
  • CONSERVATION STATUS : Exotic mammal. IUCN Red List 2016 3.1 Endangered


Scientific name : Rhinoceros unicornis
  • DISTRIBUTION : North eastern part of Indian sub continent.
  • HABITAT : Tall alluvial grassland and riverine forest- grass land with swampy patches in the Gangetic and Brahmaputra river system in the foothills of the Himalayas.
  • BEHAVIOUR AND FOOD HABIT : The rhino regularly follows the same walking paths when foraging. It also uses the same spot to defecate, forming large ‘toilets’. They used their teeth when fighting among themselves. They are grazers. Their diets consist almost entirely of grasses, but they also eat leaves, branches of shrubs and trees, fruits, and submerged and floating aquatic plants. They feed in the mornings and evenings.
  • FOOD SERVED HERE : Wheat bran crushed oat and barley soaked gram sweet potatoes carrot banana beans molasses boiled pulse leafy vegetables green grass leaves sugarcane top soaked corn salt.
    1. BODY LENGTH- 368 to 380 cm male and 310 – 340 cm female
    2. BODY WEIGHT- 2200 kg male and 1600 kg female
    3. BODY COLOUR - Body is thick grey-brown skin with pinkish folds and a black horn. Its upper legs and shoulders are covered in wart-like bumps. Very little body hair aside from eyelashes ear fringes and tail brush.
  • LIFE-SPAN : Over 40 years.
  • THREAT : Habitat loss hunting and poaching over exploitation
  • CONSERVATION STATUS : Scheduled I of W P Act 1972 IUCN Red List 2016 3.1 vulnerable.


Scientific name : Panthera onca
  • DISTRIBUTION : outh Western United States Mexico in North America and Central America.
  • HABITAT : Rain forest of South and Central America seasonally flooded wetlands and dry grassland terrain. Of these habitats the jaguar much prefers dense forest.
  • BEHAVIOUR AND FOOD HABIT : Solitary outside mother–cub groups. Female territories, which range from 25 to 40 km2in size, may overlap, but the animals generally avoid one another. Male ranges cover roughly twice as much area, varying in size with the availability of game and space, and do not overlap. Their diet consists of flesh of deer, armadillo, monkey, sloth, turtle, and fish.
  • FOOD SERVED HERE : Buffalo meat.
    1. BODY LENGTH- 43 to 75 inches females are smaller
    2. BODY WEIGHT- 79 to 211 lbs
    3. BODY COLOUR - Their coat is normally yellow and tan but the color can vary from reddish brown to black. The spots on the coat are more solid and black on the head and neck and become larger rosette shaped patterns along the side and back of the body.
  • LIFE-SPAN : 12 years.
  • THREAT : Deforestation across its habitat increasing competition for food with human beings especially in dry and unproductive habitat poaching.
  • CONSERVATION STATUS : Near Threatened IUCN Red List 3.1


Scientific name : Prionilurus viverrinus
  • DISTRIBUTION : India Nepal Bangladesh and Sri Lanka.
  • HABITAT : Fishing cats live foremost in the vicinity of wetlands along rivers streams in swamps and mangroves.
  • BEHAVIOUR AND FOOD HABIT : Primarily they are nocturnal mark territory using cheek-rubbing head rubbing chin rubbing, neck rubbing and urine-spraying to leave scent marks. Sharpen claws and display Flehmen response. Prefers to feed on fishes birds insects.
  • FOOD SERVED HERE : Various fishes.
    1. BODY LENGTH- Varies from 57 to 78 cm with a short tail of 20 to 30 cm
    2. BODY WEIGHT- Ranges from 5 to 16 kg on an average.
    3. BODY COLOUR - Body is covered with coarse olive grey fur with dark spots arranged in horizontal streaks running along the length of the body.
  • LIFE-SPAN : About 10 to 12 years in captivity.
  • THREAT : Habitat loss hunting and poaching over exploitation of fishes
  • CONSERVATION STATUS : Scheduled I of Wildlife P Act 1972 and IUCN 2016.3 Vulnerable


Scientific name : Equus zebra
  • DISTRIBUTION : South western Angola Namibia and South Africa.
  • HABITAT : They occur in a variety of habitats such as grasslands savannas woodlands thorny scrublands mountains and coastal hills.
  • BEHAVIOUR AND FOOD HABIT : They are generally social animals that live in small harems to large herds. Zebras communicate with each other with high-pitched barks and whinnying. The unique stripes of zebras make them one of the animals most familiar to people. Their diet consists of grasses, but they may occasionally eat shrubs, herbs, twigs, leaves and bark.
  • FOOD SERVED HERE : Soaked gram soaked maize crushed maize vegetables mixture of pumpkin onion and garlic.
    1. BODY LENGTH- 2 to 2.6 m
    2. BODY WEIGHT- 350 kg
    3. BODY COLOUR - Body with back ground color is black with white stripes.
  • LIFE-SPAN : About 23 years.
  • THREAT : Habitat loss due to ranching and farming and competition for water with livestock. They are also hunted for their skins.
  • CONSERVATION STATUS : Exotic mammal. IUCN Red List 2016 3.1 Vulnerable.


Scientific name : Macaca radiata
  • DISTRIBUTION : Endemic to southern India All over southern India up to the Northern end of the Western Ghats.
  • HABITAT : In urban and rural areas tropical dry thorn scrub dry and moist deciduous forest semi evergreen and evergreen forests. Found in urban and rural areas near human habitations.
  • BEHAVIOUR AND FOOD HABIT : Commensalism is observed at some parts of South India. Diurnal in habit arboreal also terrestrial. Often seen with strolling showman.Feeds on vegetarian diets fruits nuts berries leaves shoots seeds flowers invertebrates and cereals.
  • FOOD SERVED HERE : Sweet fruits bread banana red potato carrot guava beans apple papaya grapes
    1. BODY LENGTH- 35 to 60 cm long plus a tail of 35 to 68 cm
    2. BODY WEIGHT- 5.5 to 9.0 kg in male and 3.5 to 4.5 kg in female.
    3. BODY COLOUR - Coat colour varies seasonally. Lustrous Olive-brown during winter harsh scraggy buffy grey during Summer
  • LIFE-SPAN : 35 years in captivity
  • THREAT : Habitat loss hunting and poaching over exploitation
  • CONSERVATION STATUS : Scheduled II of W P Act 1972 IUCN Red List 2016 3.1 near threatened


Scientific name : Hippopotamus amphibius
  • DISTRIBUTION : North Africa Europe Democratic Republic of the Congo Uganda Tanzania Kenya South Africa and India.
  • HABITAT : Hippopotamus inhabits rivers lakes swamps. During the day they remain cool by staying in the water or mud.
  • BEHAVIOUR AND FOOD HABIT : Highly aggressive and unpredictable. They graze on grasses. Their Diet consists of grass aquatic plants.
  • FOOD SERVED HERE : Concentrated feed sweet potato carrot green grass banana sugarcane top.
    1. BODY LENGTH- 2 to 5 mt.
    2. BODY WEIGHT- 1 to 4.5 tonnes
    3. BODY COLOUR - Grey brown black pink
  • LIFE-SPAN : 40 to 50 years.
  • THREAT : Hunting and habitat loss.
  • CONSERVATION STATUS : Vulnerable IUCN Red list 3.1.


Scientific name : Antilope cervicapra
  • DISTRIBUTION : From Punjab south to Kanyakumari and east to Bihar and also in West Bengal
  • HABITAT : Open forests and riparian undergrowth stream side forests orchards and other cultivated areas and also in open scrubs.
  • BEHAVIOUR AND FOOD HABIT : They are diurnal and activity slos down around noon. They form three kinds of group the female herd the territorial males and bachelor males. Herbivores graze on low grasses prefers mainly sedges fall witchgrass mesquite.
  • FOOD SERVED HERE : Soaked gram soaked maize crushed maize chattu minced meat ant egg boiled egg leafy vegetables mixture of pumpkin onion and garlic.
    1. BODY LENGTH- 270 to 310 cm in male 240 to 265 cm in female
    2. BODY WEIGHT- 20 to 58 kg in male 20 to 33 kg in female
    3. BODY COLOUR - The coat of males two tone coloration upper parts and outsides of the legs are dark brown to black. The under parts and the insides of the legs are all white. Females and juveniles are yellowish fawn to tan colour.
  • LIFE-SPAN : 10 to 15 years in captivity
  • THREAT : Habitat loss hunting and poaching for meat trade and over exploitation
  • CONSERVATION STATUS : Schedule I of W P Act 1972 and IUCN Red List 2016 3.1 Vulnerable