1. BODY LENGTH- Varies from 57 to 78 cm with a short tail of 20 to 30 cm
2. BODY WEIGHT- Ranges from 5 to 16 kg on an average.
3. BODY COLOUR - Body is covered with coarse olive grey fur with dark spots arranged in horizontal streaks running along the length of the body.
1. BODY LENGTH- 70 to 90 cm with the tail
2. BODY WEIGHT- 11 to 18 kg
3. BODY COLOUR - Its hair is highly modified to form multiple layers of spines. Each quill is brown or black in colour with alternating bands of white. The tail is covered with shorter spines that appear white in colour.
1. BODY LENGTH- 150 to 155 cm for males and 140 to 145 cm for females
3. BODY COLOUR - Coat colour is gray to reddish brown with white spots on it.
1. BODY LENGTH- 35 to 60 cm long plus a tail of 35 to 68 cm
2. BODY WEIGHT- 5.5 to 9.0 kg in male and 3.5 to 4.5 kg in female.
3. BODY COLOUR - Coat colour varies seasonally. Lustrous Olive-brown during winter harsh scraggy buffy grey during Summer
1. BODY LENGTH- 1.7 to 2.1 metres
2. BODY WEIGHT- 109 to 288 kilograms
3. BODY COLOUR - Females and juveniles are orange to tawny males are much darker their coat is typically bluish grey.
2. BODY WEIGHT- 180 Kg
3. BODY COLOUR - The hairy coat of the Sambar deer is generally consistent in colour around the body but can vary from yellowish-brown to almost dark grey. The belly of the Sambar deer tends to be darker and sometimes has chestnut markings.
1. BODY LENGTH- Varies from 170 to 240cm.
2. BODY WEIGHT- 160 to 190 kg in male and 110 to 120 kg in females.
3. BODY COLOUR - Fur colour ranges from ruddy-tawny heavily speckled with pelage of black to sandy or bluish-grey colour. Males have only moderate mane growth at the top of the head. Females lack the mane.
1. BODY LENGTH- aries from 90 to 190 cm.
2. BODY WEIGHT- Within 37 to 90 kg male and 28 to 60 kg female
3. BODY COLOUR - Basically pale yellow to yellowish brown or golden except for the melanistic forms the coat is spotted and rosette spots fade toward the white underbelly and the insides and lower parts of the legs.
1. BODY LENGTH- 120 to 170 cm in average
2. BODY WEIGHT- 180 to 258 kg in Male 100 to 160 kg in Female.
3. BODY COLOUR - Pelage colour is yellow to light orange with stripes ranging from dark brown to black the belly and the interior parts of the limbs are white and the tail is orange with black rings.
1. BODY LENGTH- 188 mm in Male 185 mm in Female
2. BODY WEIGHT- 256 g in Male 236 g in Female.
3. BODY COLOUR - The pelage is multicoloured being sprinkled with brown grey and yellow. It also has white ear tufts and the tail is banded. Faces black across nose area skin and have a white blaze on the forehead.
1. BODY LENGTH- 1.4 to 1.9 m
2. BODY WEIGHT- 55 to 105 kg in females 80 to 145 kg in males.
3. BODY COLOUR - Sloth bear fur is completely black rusty for some specimens save for a whitish Y or V shaped mark on the chest.
1. BODY LENGTH- 270 to 310 cm in male 240 to 265 cm in female
2. BODY WEIGHT- 20 to 58 kg in male 20 to 33 kg in female
3. BODY COLOUR - The coat of males two tone coloration upper parts and outsides of the legs are dark brown to black. The under parts and the insides of the legs are all white. Females and juveniles are yellowish fawn to tan colour.
1. BODY LENGTH- 43 to 75 inches females are smaller
2. BODY WEIGHT- 79 to 211 lbs
3. BODY COLOUR - Their coat is normally yellow and tan but the color can vary from reddish brown to black. The spots on the coat are more solid and black on the head and neck and become larger rosette shaped patterns along the side and back of the body.
1. BODY LENGTH- 2 to 2.6 m
2. BODY WEIGHT- 350 kg
3. BODY COLOUR - Body with back ground color is black with white stripes.
1. BODY LENGTH- 17 - 21 inch at shoulder around 3ft. in length
2. BODY WEIGHT- Males: 15 – 21 kg Females:10 – 17 kg.
3. BODY COLOUR - The general tone of the fur is reddish with the brightest hues occurring in winter.
1. BODY LENGTH- 4.3 to 5.7 m on an averag
2. BODY WEIGHT- 1192 kg in males 828 kg in females. T
3. BODY COLOUR - The coat has dark blotches or patches i.e. orange chestnut brown or nearly black in colour separated by light hair usually white or cream in colour.
1. BODY LENGTH- 2 to 5 mt.
2. BODY WEIGHT- 1 to 4.5 tonnes
3. BODY COLOUR - Grey brown black pink
1. BODY LENGTH- 4.5 to 5.5 ft
2. BODY WEIGHT- 40 to 60 kg.
3. BODY COLOUR - The body is covered with black fur with the ventral surface having sparse distribution.
1. BODY LENGTH- Varies from 150 to180 cm
2. BODY WEIGHT- 125 to 175 kg
3. BODY COLOUR - Dark reddish brown coat which turns paler in summer the female is fawn all year round.
1. BODY LENGTH- 22 to 55 Kg
2. BODY WEIGHT- 60 to 80 cm Adult
3. BODY COLOUR - The coat is usually of a dirty brownish grey or dirty grey colour. The hairs of the mane are light grey or white at the base and black or dark brown at the tips. The muzzle is dark greyish brown brownish grey or black while the top of the head and cheeks
1. BODY LENGTH- 368 to 380 cm male and 310 – 340 cm female
2. BODY WEIGHT- 2200 kg male and 1600 kg female
3. BODY COLOUR - Body is thick grey-brown skin with pinkish folds and a black horn. Its upper legs and shoulders are covered in wart-like bumps. Very little body hair aside from eyelashes ear fringes and tail brush.
1. BODY LENGTH- 55 to 64 cm.
2. BODY WEIGHT- 17 to 22 kg.
3. BODY COLOUR - Slender with thin legs and a short tail the four-horned antelope has a yellowish brown to reddish coat.
1. BODY LENGTH- 2.49 to 2.64 m
2. BODY WEIGHT- 50 to 66 kg
3. BODY COLOUR - soft grey
1. BODY LENGTH- 39 - 46 cm.
2. BODY WEIGHT- 2.2 kg
3. BODY COLOUR - The ventral chest coat and throat are white or cream. The dorsal back coat varies from gray to rosy-brown sometimes with a brown pygal patch around the tail region where the fur grades to pale gray or grayish brown. They have long tails have a fur pattern of alternating black and white rings.
1. BODY LENGTH- 59 to 76 cm.
2. BODY WEIGHT- 3 to 16 kg
3. BODY COLOUR - Body colour is reddish brown on the back of both the ears. Eyes have yellow irises and elliptical pupils with white lines around. Dark lines run from the corner of the eyes down the sides of the nose having a dark patch marks.
1. BODY LENGTH- 46 - 56 cm tail length - 3cm.
2. BODY WEIGHT- 3.1 - 3.8 kg.
3. BODY COLOUR - Dull brown in color with three or four dotted white stripes going longitudinally along flank.
1. BODY LENGTH- 180 cm.
2. BODY WEIGHT- 170 to 280 kg male and 130 to 140kg female.
3. BODY COLOUR - Hair is rather woolly and yellowish brown above but paler below with white spots along the spine. The throat belly inside of the thighs and beneath the tail is white. Coat becomes bright rufous brown during summer with manned neck.
1. BODY LENGTH- Varies from 35 to 53 and the height ranges from 15 to 26cm.
2. BODY WEIGHT- Averages around 18 kg.
3. BODY COLOUR - It has very soft, thick, dense coat covering. Coloration of the coat changes from dark brown to yellowish and grayish brown depending on the season. The Muntjacs coat is golden tan on the dorsal side and white on the ventral side of the body, the limbs
1. BODY LENGTH- Varies from 5.5 to 6.5 m.
2. BODY WEIGHT- Below 4 tons.
3. BODY COLOUR - It has a sparsely haired dark coloured skin.