1. BODY LENGTH- 3.3 to 4.9 ft
2. BODY WEIGHT- 80 to 90kg
3. BODY COLOUR - The ventral scales or the underside colouration of this species can be grey yellow tan brown reddish or black. Dorsal scales of the Indian cobra may have a hood mark or colour patterns. Hood mark is located at the rear of the Indian cobras hood two circular ocelli patterns connected by a curved line, evoking the image of spectacles.
1. BODY LENGTH- 20 - 30 cm
2. BODY WEIGHT- 1.2 - 2.2 kg
3. BODY COLOUR - Combination of Green, Black, Tan, Yellow with star marked carapace
1. BODY LENGTH- 16 to 22 ft
2. BODY WEIGHT- 140 to 160kg
3. BODY COLOUR - The colour pattern is a complex geometric pattern that incorporats different colours. The colour include olive green black white and gold. The back typically has a series of irregular diamond shapes flanked by smaller markings with light centres.
1. BODY LENGTH- 4 - 5 m
2. BODY WEIGHT- 450 - 500 kg
3. BODY COLOUR - Grey to brown with black spots
1. BODY LENGTH- 90 - 120 cm
2. BODY WEIGHT- 150 - 250 kg
3. BODY COLOUR - Black, Brown or Tan with high dome shaped carapace
1. BODY LENGTH- 11.5 - 130 cm
2. BODY WEIGHT- 200 - 300 gm
3. BODY COLOUR - Green coloured with black cross-hatching and yellow or gold coloured accent
1. BODY LENGTH- 4.3 TO 4.9 m male. 2.7 TO 3.1 m female.
2. BODY WEIGHT- 400 - 530kg male 76 to 103kg female
3. BODY COLOUR - Darker greenish drab with lighter tan or grey areas
1. BODY LENGTH- 90 - 120 cm
2. BODY WEIGHT- 500 - 700 gm
3. BODY COLOUR - Blackish patched dorsal surface on brown, greenish or yellow ground colour
1. BODY LENGTH- 150 cm
2. BODY WEIGHT- About 6 kg
3. BODY COLOUR - Shows wide range of colors including dark Yellow, light or dark brown, reddish-brown, black with reddish or grayish ting etc. Bands present in most of the specimens and have contrasting color with main dorsal color. Belly color can also range from milky white or white mixed with yellow, gray, brown etc. Sometimes dark colored patches also present. When angered, it stretches hood to show the rounded hood mark. Hood mark design may be in the form of complete rounded spot like eye or moon, may be open from top like Spectacled Cobra or can join with edge of the hood.
1. BODY LENGTH- 3.7 m, 12 ft 2 in on average
2. BODY WEIGHT- 85 – 90 kg on an average
3. BODY COLOUR - Dorsal surface full of irregular shaped patches of dark grayish-brown or blackish colour in three series top series of blotches larger than blotches found on flank which are bordered by black. Ground dorsal colour off-white or yellow, gray or light brown. Ventral scales much narrower than typical snakes. Color whitish or yellow with dark colour patches mostly near the edge.
1. BODY LENGTH- 1.2 to 1.8m
2. BODY WEIGHT- 700 to 900gm
3. BODY COLOUR - Brown above with more or less distinct black cross bands
1. BODY LENGTH- 80 to 120 cm
2. BODY WEIGHT- 1 to 1.5kg
3. BODY COLOUR - Olive or yellowish brown with irregular dark brown cross bars.
1. BODY LENGTH- 4 ft 1 inch or 124 cm
3. BODY COLOUR - Dorsally the colour pattern consists of a deep yellow tan or brown ground colour with three series of dark brown spots that run the length of the body. Each of these spots has a black ring around it the outer border of which is intensified with a rim of white or yellow. Ventral part is white yellowish or pinkish often with an irregular scattering of dark spots.
1. BODY LENGTH- 12 - 18 ft
2. BODY WEIGHT- 80 - 90 kg
3. BODY COLOUR - Dark brown or black with irregular patches in dorsal side and whitish or yellow in ventral side. Head pinkish brown.
1. BODY LENGTH- 150 cm
2. BODY WEIGHT- About 3 Kg
3. BODY COLOUR - Body triangular with alternate yellow, yellowish-brown and black broad bands of almost the same breadth.
1. BODY LENGTH- 5 - 6 m male, 3.5 - 4.5 m female.
2. BODY WEIGHT- 160 - 250 kg
3. BODY COLOUR - Dark or light olive above with dark cross-bands
1. BODY LENGTH- 59 to 79 inch
2. BODY WEIGHT- unknown
3. BODY COLOUR - Bright green on the upper part of the body and yellowish green on the bottom part.
1. BODY LENGTH- 3.3- 4.4 m
2. BODY WEIGHT- 25 - 35 kg.
3. BODY COLOUR - The colour pattern consists of a yellow golden-tan or greenish yellow ground colour overlaid with a series of black or dark brown saddles blotches spots and streaks.
1. BODY LENGTH- 30 to 40 cm
2. BODY WEIGHT- 150 to 400 g
3. BODY COLOUR - Blue grey orange spotted skin
1. BODY LENGTH- 1.5 to 2 m
2. BODY WEIGHT- 18 to 20kg
3. BODY COLOUR - Dark green or black with golden yellow spots