Alipore Zoological Garden, Kolkata

Zoological Garden, Alipore, Kolkata

Zoo Birds


Scientific name : Aix galericulata
  • DISTRIBUTION : Siberia, China, Japan.
  • HABITAT : Forest, lakes and ponds.
  • BEHAVIOUR AND FOOD HABIT : Migratory. Generally quiet, usually vocalizing only when disturbed or in courtship males display colourful plumage during courtship. They are Omnivorous, they eats seeds, particularly nuts, acorns, sweet chestnut, grain, aquatic plants and animal food etc.
  • FOOD SERVED HERE : Their diet includes boiled maize, chicken mash, boiled rice, leafy vegetable, egg, chattu.
    1. BODY LENGTH- 41 – 51 cm , wingspan 68 – 74 cm.
    2. BODY WEIGHT- 428-693 gm
    3. BODY COLOUR - presence of pair of sail feathers raised vertically above the back, a crest of orange feathers, broad white eye stripes.
  • LIFE-SPAN : 6-10 years.
  • THREAT : Logging.
  • CONSERVATION STATUS : Least concern


Scientific name : Dromaius novaehollandiae
  • DISTRIBUTION : Australia
  • HABITAT : Grassland, wooded savannah, dry forests and semi-desert.
  • BEHAVIOUR AND FOOD HABIT : Second tallest bird in the world and can move up to a speed of 50km per hour. They are able to swim when necessary. Their sleeping position is a type of camouflage, mimicking a small mound. Emus have a relatively low basal metabolic rate compared to other large birds. They feed on fruits, shoots, seeds, insects and other small animals, and droppings
  • FOOD SERVED HERE : Banana, leafy vegetables, mesh, eggs, maize and gram seeds.
    1. BODY LENGTH- 1.5 - 1.9 m, varies within the sex
    2. BODY WEIGHT- 35 - 60 kg , varies within the sex
    3. BODY COLOUR - Grey brown
  • LIFE-SPAN : 10 years
  • THREAT : Hunting and habitat degradation
  • CONSERVATION STATUS : Least concern


Scientific name : Psittacula krameri borealis
  • DISTRIBUTION : Indian sub-continent.
  • HABITAT : Inhabits in deciduous jungle, semi-deserts and secondary jungles.
  • BEHAVIOUR AND FOOD HABIT : Non-migratory resident birds; move locally for feeding and breeding. The diet includes nuts, grains, seeds, fruits, cereals, berries, vegetables.
  • FOOD SERVED HERE : Soaked maize, soaked gram, sunflower seed, kusum seed, paddy, kagni seed, ground nut, walnut, fruits, sugarcane, milk and bread.
    1. BODY LENGTH- 30 - 42 cm long
    2. BODY WEIGHT- 200 - 250 gm
    3. BODY COLOUR - Yellowish green, male has a rose and black neck ring.
  • LIFE-SPAN : 30 years.
  • THREAT : Illegal trade and habitat loss.
  • CONSERVATION STATUS : Least concern


Scientific name : Amazona viridigenalis
  • DISTRIBUTION : Lowlands of North-eastern Mexico to Northern Veracruz.
  • HABITAT : Deciduous woodland, gallery forest.
  • BEHAVIOUR AND FOOD HABIT : Gather in large flocks, noisiest in the morning and evening. Very affectionate and playful, excellent talkers and best at mimicking sounds. Their diet in the wild consists mainly of seeds, fruits, berries, flowers and nectar.
  • FOOD SERVED HERE : Soaked maize, soaked gram, sunflower seed, kusum seed , ground nut, paddy grain.
    1. BODY LENGTH- 30 - 33 cm
    2. BODY WEIGHT- 270 gm
    3. BODY COLOUR - green, with, dark red forehead, crown
  • LIFE-SPAN : 50-70 years.
  • THREAT : Illegal export of trapped birds, the destruction of habitat.


Scientific name : Melopsittacus undulate
  • DISTRIBUTION : Occurs naturally throughout mainland Australia, but is absent from the far South West, the North of the Northern Territory, Tasmania and the majority of the East coast
  • HABITAT : Seen in mostly open habitat types, but seldom far from water
  • BEHAVIOUR AND FOOD HABIT : Budgerigars tend to breed in response to rainfall, and may produce several broods if conditions permit. The nest is a bare cavity in a suitable tree branch or in the trunk. The female sits on the round white eggs. As with other parrots, young budgerigars are born naked and helpless. Budgerigars feed almost exclusively on the seeds of native herbs and grasses, such as porcupine grass and saltbush. Seeds are mostly eaten from the ground and the bulk of drinking and feeding activity is in the morning.
  • FOOD SERVED HERE : Soaked maize & gram, Sunflower seed, Kusum seed, Ground nut, Sugar cane, Fruits, Milk & bread.
    1. BODY LENGTH- 16 – 20 cm
    2. BODY WEIGHT- 0 – 40 gm
    3. BODY COLOUR - Variety of colour forms, including pure white, blue, yellow, mauve, olive and grey.
  • LIFE-SPAN : 5 – 10 years.
  • THREAT : no
  • CONSERVATION STATUS : Least concern on the IUCN Red List


Scientific name : Chrysolophus amherstiae
  • DISTRIBUTION : Southern China and Tibet, Myanmar.
  • HABITAT : Evergreen and deciduous forest of plain and foothills.
  • BEHAVIOUR AND FOOD HABIT : Usually roost in trees at night. They prefer to run than flying and male has a gruff call during breeding season. Their diet includes grain, leaves and small Invertebrates.
  • FOOD SERVED HERE : Soaked gram & maize, crushed maize, chattu, minced meat, ant-egg, boiled egg, leafy vegetables, mixture of pumpkin, onion and garlic.
    1. BODY LENGTH- 110 cm in Male 68 cm in Female
    2. BODY WEIGHT- 1.13 - 2 kg
    3. BODY COLOUR - Male is white, black and metallic green, female is tan brown with black stripe.
  • LIFE-SPAN : 15 years.
  • THREAT : Habitat loss and hunting.
  • CONSERVATION STATUS : Scheduled IV animal under Wildlife


Scientific name : Pelecanus onocrotalus
  • DISTRIBUTION : Europe, Africa, India, Vietnam etc.
  • HABITAT : Shallow freshwater lakes,deltas,marshes,swamps etc.
  • BEHAVIOUR AND FOOD HABIT : Bathes by ducking head and body in water while flapping wings. Spread its wings when hot.Male display vivid colors on the gular pouch during courtship. Variety of Large and small fish.
  • FOOD SERVED HERE : Silver carp fish.
    1. BODY LENGTH- 140 - 175 cm long , wing span- 226 - 360 cm
    2. BODY WEIGHT- 5 - 15 Kg.
    3. BODY COLOUR - White wing feathers, large bill coloured bright yellow and blue tipped with red pouch.
  • LIFE-SPAN : 0 - 55 years
  • THREAT : xcessive human interference.
  • CONSERVATION STATUS : Least concern


Scientific name : Cacatua moluccensis
  • DISTRIBUTION : Native to South Moluccas and Indonesia.
  • HABITAT : Lowland rainforests.
  • BEHAVIOUR AND FOOD HABIT : Crave attention and love, playful, extremely sensitive; seem to scream without any reason. They eat berries, nuts, seeds, coconuts and insects and their larvae.
  • FOOD SERVED HERE : Soaked maize, soaked gram, sunflower seed, kusum seed, ground nut, sugarcane, fruits, milk, and bread.
    1. BODY LENGTH- 40-50 cm long
    2. BODY WEIGHT- 850 gm
    3. BODY COLOUR - white feathers with pinkish glow and bright orange crest.
  • LIFE-SPAN : 60-65 years.
  • THREAT : Illegal trading and habitat loss.


Scientific name : Lophura nycthemera
  • DISTRIBUTION : Southern China to Northern Vietnam
  • HABITAT : They live in open areas of evergreen and deciduous forest edges.
  • BEHAVIOUR AND FOOD HABIT : They scratch on the ground with the feet for feeding, usually feed in the morning and the evening before roosting. They are polygamous and defend territory with loud whistles
  • FOOD SERVED HERE : Soaked gram & maize, crushed maize, chattu, minced meat, ant-egg, boiled egg, leafy vegetables, mixture of pumpkin, onion and garlic
    1. BODY LENGTH- 120 - 125 cm in Male, 55 - 60 cm in Female
    2. BODY WEIGHT- 1.13 - 2 kg
    3. BODY COLOUR - Male is black and white, female is olive brown
  • LIFE-SPAN : 11 - 12 years
  • THREAT : Hunting and habitat loss
  • CONSERVATION STATUS : Schedule IV under Wildlife Least concern


Scientific name : Syrmaticus reevesii
  • DISTRIBUTION : Central China, Hawaii and Europe.
  • HABITAT : They live in broad leaf forest, dense canopies, temperate forest and sparse undergrowth.
  • BEHAVIOUR AND FOOD HABIT : They can tolerate both hot and cold weather. They prefer higher ground for nesting. They are often aggressive towards humans, animals and other pheasants, particularly during the breeding season. Their diet includes grains, berries, seeds, fresh leaves, buds, flowers, small insects.
  • FOOD SERVED HERE : Soaked gram, soaked maize, crushed maize, chattu, minced meat, ant-egg, boiled egg, leafy vegetables, mixture of pumpkin, onion and garlic.
    1. BODY LENGTH- 70 - 210 cm varies from sex to sex
    2. BODY WEIGHT- 2.5 - 3 kg varies from sex to sex
    3. BODY COLOUR - Male is bright golden chestnut with black & white bordered feathers female is buff coloured & mottled brown.
  • LIFE-SPAN : 9 - 11 years.
  • THREAT : Habitat loss, over exploitation, illegal trade and hunting.
  • CONSERVATION STATUS : Scheduled IV animal under Wildlife


Scientific name : Ara ararauna
  • DISTRIBUTION : South America
  • HABITAT : They live in swampy tropical rain forests
  • BEHAVIOUR AND FOOD HABIT : Macaws are very gregarious animals and tend to congregate in flocks of a hundred or more animals. The paired birds usually fly very close together with their wings almost touching. They feed on palm fruit and other tree fruits
  • FOOD SERVED HERE : Fruits, sugarcane, milk & bread, kusumdana, walnut, sunflower seed, soaked gram, maize, nuts, dates
    1. BODY LENGTH- 76-86 cm
    2. BODY WEIGHT- 0.9 - 1.5 kg
    3. BODY COLOUR - Blue and golden. Sexes alike. No specific dimorphic variation
  • LIFE-SPAN : 60 years
  • THREAT : Habitat loss, hunting and poaching for illegal trade, overexploitation.
  • CONSERVATION STATUS : Least concern


Scientific name : Anser indicus Latham 1790.
  • DISTRIBUTION : Mongolia china summer Northern India Winter
  • HABITAT : High altitude wetlands summer lowland swamps lakes river winter.
  • BEHAVIOUR AND FOOD HABIT : Social birds. Migratory and highest flyers. Flies in V shaped formation and forms harem and make ground nests. Variety of grasses roots stems grains tubers etc.
  • FOOD SERVED HERE : Red leaves boiled rice gram paddy grain mixture
    1. BODY LENGTH- 68-78 cm . Wing span 140-160 cm.
    2. BODY WEIGHT- 2-3 kg
    3. BODY COLOUR - Pale grey in color distinguished by the black bars on its head.
  • LIFE-SPAN : 20 - 30 years.
  • THREAT : No specific threats identified till date.
  • CONSERVATION STATUS : Least Concern IUCN 3.1


Scientific name : Gracula religiosa
  • DISTRIBUTION : Indian sub continent, Eastern India, Southern China.
  • HABITAT : Found in jungles, evergreen and wet deciduous forest, lowlands.
  • BEHAVIOUR AND FOOD HABIT : Common hill myna is often detected by its loud, shrill, descending whistles followed by other calls. It is most vocal at dawn and dusk They feed mainly on fruit, nectar and insect.
  • FOOD SERVED HERE : Fruits, milk and bread.
    1. BODY LENGTH- 27 to 30 cm
    2. BODY WEIGHT- 100 to 150 gm
    3. BODY COLOUR - Green glossed black plumage with orange yellow tinged bill and orange-yellow patch on the head and neck.
  • LIFE-SPAN : 12 - 25 years
  • THREAT : llegal trade and habitat loss
  • CONSERVATION STATUS : Least concern


Scientific name : Grus antigone antigone
  • DISTRIBUTION : Indian sub-continent.
  • HABITAT : Found in wetland habitats, grasslands and cultivated fields.
  • BEHAVIOUR AND FOOD HABIT : These birds are monogamous and mate for life. Territories tend to be up to 50 hectares and year-round territories are established, in which the juveniles remain until the next breeding season. The breeding season tends to be associated with periods of high rainfall. They feed on seed, grains, small fish, reptiles and insects.
  • FOOD SERVED HERE : Soaked gram, soaked maize, paddy, fish.
    1. BODY LENGTH- 152 - 156 cm long and 220 - 250 cm wing span.
    2. BODY WEIGHT- 6.8 – 7.8 kg
    3. BODY COLOUR - Grey plumage with naked red head and greenish bill.
  • LIFE-SPAN : 42 years.
  • THREAT : Habitat destruction.


Scientific name : Platalea leucorodia major
  • DISTRIBUTION : Europe to North-West Africa, India, China
  • HABITAT : Inhabits fresh and saltwater marshes, estuaries, deltas, rivers, lakes, reservoirs and mangrove swamps.
  • BEHAVIOUR AND FOOD HABIT : During migration this species generally flies in formation at considerable height and, on long-distance flights, uses sites along the way to stopover and recover energy. It forages alone or in small groups, wading methodically through shallow water. Small fish, aquatic insects, crustaceans and molluscs are their main food.
  • FOOD SERVED HERE : Small fishes
    1. BODY LENGTH- 70 - 95cm tall and 135cm wing span. varies within the sex
    2. BODY WEIGHT- 1.13 - 2kgs. varies within the sex
    3. BODY COLOUR - White with black bill.
  • LIFE-SPAN : 22 years
  • THREAT : Habitat loss, degradation, Human interference, pollution, exploitation of eggs.
  • CONSERVATION STATUS : Least concern


Scientific name : Goura cristata
  • DISTRIBUTION : New Guinea, Indonesian Islands.
  • HABITAT : Inhabits in marshy flooded forest, hilly forest and mangroves.
  • BEHAVIOUR AND FOOD HABIT : Western crowned-pigeons live and forage in small groups of two to ten birds. The male gives a loud booming call and bows his head, displaying his fanned tail and partially open wings. He will also dance with up-stretched wings, whilst the female lifts her wings high and runs around him in circles. The diet includes fruit, seeds, berry, and figs.
  • FOOD SERVED HERE : Gram, maize, bajra.
    1. BODY LENGTH- 60 - 70 cm
    2. BODY WEIGHT- 2 - 2.5 kg
    3. BODY COLOUR - Blue and deep purple
  • LIFE-SPAN : 20-25 years.
  • THREAT : Heavy hunting and habitat loss due to logging operations.


Scientific name : Cygnus atratus
  • DISTRIBUTION : Australia, New Zealand, Europe, North America
  • HABITAT : Lakes, rivers, ponds, streams etc.
  • BEHAVIOUR AND FOOD HABIT : Monogamous. Male swans approach the females with their wings and chin lifted, calling repeatedly. Nomadic and sedentary. Feed at dusk. They are folivore, feeds mainly on leaves, algae, insects etc.
  • FOOD SERVED HERE : Grams, paddy, bazra, red leaves etc.
    1. BODY LENGTH- 110 - 140 cm long, wing span – 160 - 200 cm.
    2. BODY WEIGHT- 3.7-8.6 gm
    3. BODY COLOUR - black feathered body with richly coloured red bill
  • LIFE-SPAN : 40 - 42 years
  • THREAT : No specific threats noted till date
  • CONSERVATION STATUS : Least concern


Scientific name : Myiopsitta monachus
  • DISTRIBUTION : Argentina, Bolivia, other parts of south America.
  • HABITAT : Dry wooded country, gallery forest, savannah etc.
  • BEHAVIOUR AND FOOD HABIT : Occurs in pairs or flocks of 30-50 birds, social animals, engaged in quaking and shaking. Excellent talker. Loudly chatters while feeding. The diet includes cultivated seeds, fruits and vegetable items such as grass seeds and grain, tree fruits, insects and their larvae.
  • FOOD SERVED HERE : Soaked maize, soaked gram, sunflower seed, kusum seed, ground nut, sugarcane, fruits, milk and bread.
    1. BODY LENGTH- 29 cm long
    2. BODY WEIGHT- 127-140 gm.
    3. BODY COLOUR - Green in colour with yellow on under parts.
  • LIFE-SPAN : 25 - 30 years.
  • THREAT : Illegal International Trade.
  • CONSERVATION STATUS : Least concern


Scientific name : Haliastur indus
  • DISTRIBUTION : Sri Lanka, Nepal, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and South-East Asia and as far south as New South Wales, Australia
  • HABITAT : Lives mainly in coastal regions, estuaries, mangroves, wetland and even in urban areas.
  • BEHAVIOUR AND FOOD HABIT : They construct nests with small branches and sticks with a bowl inside and lined with leaves, and are located in various trees, often mangroves. It is primarily a scavenger, feeding mainly on dead fish and crabs, especially in wetlands and marshland, but occasionally hunts live prey such as hares and bats
  • FOOD SERVED HERE : Small fish
    1. BODY LENGTH- 45 – 51 cm wingspan 109 – 124 cm
    2. BODY WEIGHT- 320 – 670 g
    3. BODY COLOUR - It has a bright chestnut plumage except for the white head and breast and black wing tips.
  • LIFE-SPAN : no
  • THREAT : Use of pesticides, hunting, collection of nestlings for sale and loss of breeding habitat
  • CONSERVATION STATUS : Least concern on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species


Scientific name : Ardea purpurea
  • DISTRIBUTION : Southern and eastern Europe, central and southern Asia, and Africa
  • HABITAT : nhabits wetlands, dense, flooded, freshwater reedbeds lake shores, river margins, ditches, canals, brackish water lagoons rice-fields, mangroves .
  • BEHAVIOUR AND FOOD HABIT : It hunts by hiding in vegetation and waiting motionless until prey approaches. They are colonial breeders. The diet includes fish, frogs, insects, crustaceans, spiders, molluscs, snakes and lizards etc.
  • FOOD SERVED HERE : Fingerlings.
    1. BODY LENGTH- 78 – 90 cm . Wingspan: 120 – 150 cm
    2. BODY WEIGHT- 525 – 1345 gm
    3. BODY COLOUR - Reddish brown with chestnut-red head and neck with striking vertical black stripes.
  • LIFE-SPAN : 25-26 Years.
  • THREAT : Habitat Loss.


Scientific name : Polyplectron bicalcaratum
  • DISTRIBUTION : Mainland of South-east Asia Eestern Himalayas North-East India & Bangladesh.
  • HABITAT : They live in evergreen and deciduous forest of plains and foothills.
  • BEHAVIOUR AND FOOD HABIT : During feeding the birds move very slowly, methodically scratching for food. They occur in pairs during breeding season and remain in pair throughout the year. Makes deep guttural hoo. Feeds on Grains berries seeds wild figs insects grubs snails
  • FOOD SERVED HERE : Soaked gram & maize crushed maize chattu minced meat ant-egg boiled egg leafy vegetables mixture of pumpkin onion and garlic
    1. BODY LENGTH- 60 to 80 cm in length
    2. BODY WEIGHT- 0.5 to 1 kg
    3. BODY COLOUR - Grey-brown with whitish throat in male darker with brownish spot in eyes. Males are larger than females.
  • LIFE-SPAN : 11 to 12years
  • THREAT : Habitat loss and hunting
  • CONSERVATION STATUS : Schedule-I under Wildlife Protection Act 1972 Least concern IUCN 3.1


Scientific name : Cacatua sulphurea citrinocristata
  • DISTRIBUTION : Sumba and Indonesia
  • HABITAT : They inhabit open woodlands, the edges of forests, and cultivated wheat fields.
  • BEHAVIOUR AND FOOD HABIT : In the wild, Cockatoos are friendly and peaceful. They live in pairs or small flocks, sometimes they will gather in very large flocks to feed. They enjoy and require a. lot of affection and attention. They usually feed seeds, berries, nuts, fruits
  • FOOD SERVED HERE : Soaked gram, nuts, maize, kusumdana, fruits, sunflower seeds, milk & bread
    1. BODY LENGTH- 33 - 35 cm
    2. BODY WEIGHT- 280 - 400 gms
    3. BODY COLOUR - White plumage with golden orange crest. Sexes alike. No specific dimorphic variation.
  • LIFE-SPAN : 40 -50 years
  • THREAT : Habitat destruction, Industrial expansion, hunting and poaching for illegal trade.


Scientific name : Anthracoceros malabaricus
  • DISTRIBUTION : Indian sub-continent.
  • HABITAT : Its natural habitat is subtropical or tropical moist lowland forests.
  • BEHAVIOUR AND FOOD HABIT : Important large seed dispersers, promoting seedling recruitment by translocating the seeds of the fruits they feed. Hornbills are secondary cavity nesters, they typically do not excavate their own nesting sites but use those created by other birds or by branches breaking off. Predominantly frugivores. Their diet includes fruit, insects and small reptiles
  • FOOD SERVED HERE : Egg, chattu, minced meat, fruit mixture.
    1. BODY LENGTH- 70 - 85 cm
    2. BODY WEIGHT- 600 - 900 gm
    3. BODY COLOUR - Black and white with yellow bill.
  • LIFE-SPAN : 40 years.
  • THREAT : Legal and illegal logging, hunting.
  • CONSERVATION STATUS : Least concern


Scientific name : Ducula aenea
  • DISTRIBUTION : Widespread resident breeding bird in tropical Southern Asia from India East to Indonesia.
  • HABITAT : It is a forested species found in forests, mangroves and open areas with scattered trees.
  • BEHAVIOUR AND FOOD HABIT : An arboreal dove, flight is fast and direct, with the regular beats and an occasional sharp flick of the wings. It uses night time roost.Exclusively frugivorous.
  • FOOD SERVED HERE : Gram, chattu, banana
    1. BODY LENGTH- 40 - 47 cm
    2. BODY WEIGHT- 365 - 645 gm
    3. BODY COLOUR - Metallic green and white
  • LIFE-SPAN : 12 - 15 years
  • THREAT : Habitat loss and degradation, hunting by man, and alien predators
  • CONSERVATION STATUS : Least concern


Scientific name : Psittacus erithacus
  • DISTRIBUTION : Widespread over Africa.
  • HABITAT : Primary and secondary dense rainforest, mangroves, wooded savannah etc.
  • BEHAVIOUR AND FOOD HABIT : Love to hang upside down. Loving, playful, sensitive and intuitive. Produces variety of whistles, squawks. The diet consists of variety of seeds, nuts, fruits and berries and some cultivated maize.
  • FOOD SERVED HERE : Their diet consists of soaked maize, soaked gram, sunflower seed, kusum seed , ground nut, sugarcane, fruits, milk, bread.
    1. BODY LENGTH- 33 cm long
    2. BODY WEIGHT- 400 gm
    3. BODY COLOUR - Mottled grey in colour with red tail. Eye grey.
  • LIFE-SPAN : 50-60 years.
  • THREAT : abitat fragmentation, illegal trade.


Scientific name : Anastomus oscitans
  • DISTRIBUTION : Indian subcontinent
  • HABITAT : Inhabits in agricultural fields and wetlands
  • BEHAVIOUR AND FOOD HABIT : Asian Openbill Stork uses warm airstreams for rising in the air and flies high in the sky. Then it glides to destination. They locate their prey by touch and sight and the gap between their bills allow the good grasp of the prey They feed on large mollus
    1. BODY LENGTH- 76 to 81 cm tall and 147 to 149cm wing span
    2. BODY WEIGHT- 2 to 3.5kgs
    3. BODY COLOUR - Greyish or white with glossy black wing
  • LIFE-SPAN : 18 years
  • THREAT : abitat destruction
  • CONSERVATION STATUS : Least concern IUCN3.1 Schedule-IV WPA 1972


Scientific name : Guaruba guarouba
  • DISTRIBUTION : Endemic to Brazil, Amazon basins lowland.
  • HABITAT : Canopy of lowland rain forests.
  • BEHAVIOUR AND FOOD HABIT : Nomadic, Gregarious. High pitched note is produced during courtship. Intelligent, love to climb and play. They feed on fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, berries, and grain,
  • FOOD SERVED HERE : Soaked maize, soaked gram, sunflower seed, kusum seed, ground nut, sugarcane, fruits, milk and bread.
    1. BODY LENGTH- 30 - 35 cm long
    2. BODY WEIGHT- 220 - 280 gm
    3. BODY COLOUR - Golden yellow plumage with dark green flight feathers.
  • LIFE-SPAN : 15 - 30 years.
  • THREAT : Habitat loss and fragmentation


Scientific name : Chrysolophus pictus
  • DISTRIBUTION : Western and Central China
  • HABITAT : They live in dense forests and woodlands and sparse undergrowth
  • BEHAVIOUR AND FOOD HABIT : Very timid birds and hide in dark, dense forests during day time and roost in high trees at night. The diet consists of grain, invertebrates, berries, grubs and seeds.
  • FOOD SERVED HERE : Soaked gram, soaked maize, crushed maize, chattu, minced meat, ant-egg, boiled egg, leafy vegetables, mixture of pumpkin, onion and garlic.
    1. BODY LENGTH- 90 - 105 cm in Male 60 - 80 cm in Female
    2. BODY WEIGHT- 0.5 - 1 kg
    3. BODY COLOUR - Male is bright red with a golden yellow crest & a golden rump, female is mottled brown and yellow.
  • LIFE-SPAN : 5 - 6 years
  • THREAT : Hunting and habitat loss
  • CONSERVATION STATUS : Scheduled IV animal under Wildlife


Scientific name : Ara chloropterus
  • DISTRIBUTION : South America, from Colombia through to northern Paraguay formerly northern Argentina.
  • HABITAT : Lives mainly in forests and woodlands.
  • BEHAVIOUR AND FOOD HABIT : They generally mates for life. The female typically lays two or three eggs in a nest made in a hole in a tree. The female incubates the eggs for about 28 days, and the chicks fledge from the nest about 90 days after hatching.
  • FOOD SERVED HERE : Mixture of seasonal fruits and milk-bread.
    1. BODY LENGTH- 90 - 95 cm
    2. BODY WEIGHT- 1050 - 1708 gm
    3. BODY COLOUR - Mostly red, with blue and green wings. The bare white skin around each eye extending to the bill is patterned by lines of small red feathers.
  • LIFE-SPAN : 40 - 50 years
  • THREAT : no
  • CONSERVATION STATUS : Habitat loss and illegal capture for the parrot trade.


Scientific name : Threskiornis melanocephalus
  • DISTRIBUTION : Indian sub-continent and South-East Asia
  • HABITAT : Frequently inhabits swamps lake and river margins wet grasslands and paddy fields.
  • BEHAVIOUR AND FOOD HABIT : The black-headed ibis is a social species feeding and nesting in groups. It is usually a silent bird but when males and females are courting they are known for their loud booming calls and low grunting They feed on fish frogs tadpoles snails insects and
  • FOOD SERVED HERE : Small fish
    1. BODY LENGTH- 65 to 76 cm tall and 130 cm wing span
    2. BODY WEIGHT- 1.5 to 2kgs varies from sex to sex
    3. BODY COLOUR - White body with prominent black head and bill. Sexes alike no specific dimorphic variation
  • LIFE-SPAN : 28 years
  • THREAT : Hunting habitat destruction water pollution
  • CONSERVATION STATUS : Near Threatened IUCN3.1 Schedule-IV WPA 1972


Scientific name : Gallus gallus
  • DISTRIBUTION : Indochina and southern China and into Malaysia, Singapore, the Philippines, and Indonesia, Hawaiian Islands, Christmas Island, Vanuatu, and the Mariana Islands.
  • HABITAT : Mostly tropical and sub-tropical habitats including mangroves, scrubland and plantations, although it seems to prefer flat or gently sloping terrain, forest edges and secondary forest
  • BEHAVIOUR AND FOOD HABIT : Males make a food-related display called tidbitting, performed upon finding food in the presence of a female. he display is composed of coaxing, cluck-like calls, and eye-catching bobbing and twitching motions of the head and neck. During the performance, the male repeatedly picks up and drops the food item with his beak. Flight in these birds is almost purely confined to reaching their roosting areas at sunset in trees or any other high and relatively safe places free from ground predators, and for escape from immediate danger through the day.
  • FOOD SERVED HERE : A mixture of soaked gram, soaked maize, crushed maize, chattu, minced meat, ant egg, boiled egg, leafy vegetables, pumpkin, onion and garlic.
    1. BODY LENGTH- 40 – 80 cm
    2. BODY WEIGHT- up to 2.6 kg
    3. BODY COLOUR - The male has a white ear patches and a white puff at the base of the tail and the female has brown streaky plumage.
  • LIFE-SPAN : 20-25 years.
  • THREAT : Purebred red jungle fowl are thought to be facing a serious threat of extinction because of hybridization at the edge of forests where domesticated free-ranging chickens are common.


Scientific name : Eclectus roratus
  • DISTRIBUTION : Australia, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands.
  • HABITAT : Forest, savanna, mangrove, coconut plantations and eucalyptus woodland.
  • BEHAVIOUR AND FOOD HABIT : Clumsy flyers, intelligent and loving birds, great talkers. Prefer eating fruits such as apple, pear, orange, pomegranate, banana, fresh vegetables such as carrot, celery, green peas, beans, fresh corn and green leaves.
  • FOOD SERVED HERE : Soaked maize, soaked gram, sunflower seed, kusum seed, ground nut, sugarcane, fruits, milk, bread.
    1. BODY LENGTH- 35 cm long
    2. BODY WEIGHT- 450 - 600 gm
    3. BODY COLOUR - Green with red underwing or body red with dark brown / red colour on back and wings.
  • LIFE-SPAN : 50 years
  • THREAT : Illegal threat
  • CONSERVATION STATUS : Least concern


Scientific name : Balearica regulorum
  • DISTRIBUTION : East Africa, South Africa
  • HABITAT : Grasslands, pool, marshes, agricultural land.
  • BEHAVIOUR AND FOOD HABIT : Arboreal. Mutual preening is observed. With long hind toes they roost in trees. Dances are performed during courtship. Omnivore feeds on seeds, nuts, grains, insects, lizards etc.
  • FOOD SERVED HERE : Soaked Gram, Maize, Paddy, Kagnidana.
    1. BODY LENGTH- 100 - 110 cm long . wingspan-180 - 200 cm
    2. BODY WEIGHT- 3 - 4 Kg
    3. BODY COLOUR - Blackish grey wing feathers with large yellow crown in their forehead.
  • LIFE-SPAN : 22 - 25 years
  • THREAT : Wetland degradation


Scientific name : Cacatua sanguinea
  • DISTRIBUTION : Australia Indonesia Papua New Guinea
  • HABITAT : Riverine woodland grassland scrubland etc.
  • BEHAVIOUR AND FOOD HABIT : Intelligent and friendly, very social bird. Able to mimic and talk. Enjoy being affectionate. Loud and gregarious. Gather in huge flocks and damages the farmers crops. They feed on seeds nuts fruits berries flowers insects roots etc.
  • FOOD SERVED HERE : Soaked maize soaked gram sunflower seed kusum seed ground nut sugarcane fruits milk bread.
    1. BODY LENGTH- 36 to 38 cm .
    2. BODY WEIGHT- 350 to 530 gm.
    3. BODY COLOUR - primarily white with bare bluish gray patches around their eyes.
  • LIFE-SPAN : 50 to 80 years
  • THREAT : Habitat fragmentation illegal trade
  • CONSERVATION STATUS : Least concern IUCN 3.1. Appendix II CITES.


Scientific name : Struthio camelus
  • DISTRIBUTION : Africa.
  • HABITAT : Inhabits in open, semi-arid plains, desert to savannah.
  • BEHAVIOUR AND FOOD HABIT : The ostrichs long, powerful legs allow it to look over the top of tall vegetation when scanning for predators. The fastest runner of any bird, it can reach up to 70 kilometres per hour in short sprints. They also possess very acute and powerful eyesight and hearing ability. They swallow pebbles that act as gastroliths to grind food in the gizzard. The diet consists of seeds, shrubs, grass, fruits, and flowers, insects.
  • FOOD SERVED HERE : Banana, seasonal fruits, leafy vegetables, mesh, eggs, maize and gram seeds.
    1. BODY LENGTH- Male 210 - 275 cm, Female 175 - 190 cm
    2. BODY WEIGHT- Male 100 - 156 kg, Female 90 - 110 kg
    3. BODY COLOUR - Black and white.
  • LIFE-SPAN : 30 - 40 years.
  • THREAT : Habitat destruction and illegal trade.
  • CONSERVATION STATUS : Least concern


Scientific name : Lophura leucomelanos
  • DISTRIBUTION : Himalayan foothills, Nepal, Thailand, Bangladesh.
  • HABITAT : They live in tropical or sub-tropical moist forest.
  • BEHAVIOUR AND FOOD HABIT : They scratch the ground with their strong feet and dig with the bill for roots and tubers. Produces aloud, whistling chirrup. Usually forages in small groups of 10-20 birds and sometimes in single sex.
  • FOOD SERVED HERE : They feed on soaked gram, soaked maize, crushed maize, chattu, minced meat, ant-egg, boiled egg, leafy vegetables, mixture of pumpkin, onion and garlic.
    1. BODY LENGTH- 63 - 74 cm in Male, 50 - 60 cm in Female
    2. BODY WEIGHT- 0.5 - 3 kg
    3. BODY COLOUR - Plumage of males are glossy blue-black with white coloured rump and Females are dull brown to reddish brown.
  • LIFE-SPAN : 11-12 years.
  • THREAT : Trade of pheasant feathers, habitat loss & hunting.
  • CONSERVATION STATUS : Scheduled I animal under Wildlife


Scientific name : Mycteria leucocephala
  • DISTRIBUTION : Indian sub continent.
  • HABITAT : Inhabits in wetlands, marshes, ponds and flooded fields.
  • BEHAVIOUR AND FOOD HABIT : Painted storks breed on trees either in mixed colonies along with other water birds, or by themselves. Painted stork is a colonial nester, breed on trees either in mixed colonies along with other water birds, or by themselves. They feed on small fish.
  • FOOD SERVED HERE : Silver carp.
    1. BODY LENGTH- 93 - 102 cm tall and 150 - 160 cm in wing span
    2. BODY WEIGHT- 2 - 3.5 kg
    3. BODY COLOUR - White with bright pink tinge and orange bill.
  • LIFE-SPAN : 28years.
  • THREAT : Hunting, habitat destruction and agricultural pollution.
  • CONSERVATION STATUS : Near Threatened


Scientific name : Leptoptilos javanicus
  • DISTRIBUTION : India and Southeast Asia.
  • HABITAT : Found in large rivers and lakes inside well wooded regions and freshwater wetlands.
  • BEHAVIOUR AND FOOD HABIT : Generally a solitary bird, the lesser adjutant only forms groups during the breeding season. During one of the threat displays called the Arching display that is given in the presence of intruders, adults extend their neck and sometimes give a hoarse wail. Their diet includes fish, frogs, reptiles, large invertebrates, rodents.
  • FOOD SERVED HERE : Silver carp fish.
    1. BODY LENGTH- 87 - 93 cm long and 57 - 66 cm wing span
    2. BODY WEIGHT- 4 - 6 kg
    3. BODY COLOUR - dark grey to black and white
  • LIFE-SPAN : 30 - 40 years.
  • THREAT : Habitat destruction, Industrial expansion, Illegal trade and hunting.


Scientific name : Cacatua goffiniana
  • DISTRIBUTION : Indonesia
  • HABITAT : They inhabit open woodlands and the edges of forests
  • BEHAVIOUR AND FOOD HABIT : Active, inquisitive, playful, affectionate and love human attention. The diet consists of seeds, berries, nuts and fruits.
  • FOOD SERVED HERE : Soaked gram, nuts, maize, kusumdana, fruits, sunflower seeds, milk & bread.
    1. BODY LENGTH- 23 - 33 cm. varies within the sex
    2. BODY WEIGHT- 300 - 400 gm .varies within the sex
    3. BODY COLOUR - White plumage with salmon pink highlights in front of eyes
  • LIFE-SPAN : 40 - 50 years
  • THREAT : Habitat loss, hunting and poaching for illegal trade, overexploitation
  • CONSERVATION STATUS : Near threatened


Scientific name : Pavo cristatus
  • DISTRIBUTION : Indian sub-continent.
  • HABITAT : They live in Open and stream-side forests and riparian undergrowth.
  • BEHAVIOUR AND FOOD HABIT : Prefer a mostly solitary and isolated lifestyle. The male peacock has enormous tail feathers and attracts a female to mate with by showing off his array of elaborate feathers. The nest is made up of dry sticks, fodder, grass and leaves and is located on the ground, under shrubs.
  • FOOD SERVED HERE : They are omnivorous, they feed on seeds, insects, fruits, small mammals, reptiles etc.
    1. BODY LENGTH- 100 - 115 cm in Male 95 cm in Female
    2. BODY WEIGHT- 4 - 6 kg in Male, 2.75 - 4 kg in Female
    3. BODY COLOUR - Male is metallic blue with fan-shaped crest on head, Female is rufous brown with chestnut edged crest on head.
  • LIFE-SPAN : About 23 years.
  • THREAT : Trade of peacock feathers, habitat loss, hunting and poaching, overexploitation.
  • CONSERVATION STATUS : Scheduled I animal of Wildlife


Scientific name : Spilopelia chinensis
  • DISTRIBUTION : The Spotted Dove is native to eastern Asia. It was introduced into Australia in the mid-1800s and early 1900s and quickly became established. It is now a common sight throughout eastern Australia, and around the major towns and cities in southern and south-western Australia.
  • HABITAT : Lives in woodland, scrub, farmland. The Spotted Dove is common around human habitation and can easily be seen in parks, gardens and agricultural areas.
  • BEHAVIOUR AND FOOD HABIT : Spotted Doves breed at any time of the year, but most activity is from September to December. The male performs a display flight, which consists of a steep rising flight with loud wing-clapping. The nest is a loose platform of sticks, which may be placed in a variety of locations. Both sexes share the incubation of the eggs and the rearing of the chicks. Spotted Doves feed on grains, seeds and scraps. The birds are seen alone or in small flocks, feeding mostly on the ground.
  • FOOD SERVED HERE : Kagnidana, bajra, kusumdana.
    1. BODY LENGTH- 25 - 27 cm
    2. BODY WEIGHT- 160 gm
    3. BODY COLOUR - Mostly light brown above, with darker centres to the feathers of the back and wings. The head is grey and the neck and under parts are grey-brown, tinged with pink.
  • LIFE-SPAN : 5 – 9 years.
  • THREAT : no
  • CONSERVATION STATUS : Least Concern on the IUCN Red List.


Scientific name : Nymphicus hollandicus
  • DISTRIBUTION : Australia, Puerto Rico etc
  • HABITAT : Semi-arid areas, open woodland, riverine forest, etc.
  • BEHAVIOUR AND FOOD HABIT : Only small parrot with a head crest. The crest raises and lowers according to the birds mood. Shows screaming and flocking behaviour. Feeds mainly on different types of seeds, especially Acacia and wheat.
  • FOOD SERVED HERE : Soaked maize, soaked gram, sunflower seed, kusum seed, ground nut, paddy grain.
    1. BODY LENGTH- 29- 33 cm long
    2. BODY WEIGHT- 80 - 100 gm
    3. BODY COLOUR - Soft grey with yellow and grey crest, yellow face, orange ear patch.
  • LIFE-SPAN : 20 years.
  • THREAT : Illegal trade.


Scientific name : Cacatua galerita
  • DISTRIBUTION : Australia, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea.
  • HABITAT : Tropical and subtropical forests, woodland, savanna etc.
  • BEHAVIOUR AND FOOD HABIT : Produces a distinctive loud call, noisy in nature, raise and spread their crest when excited, sense danger etc. gregarious in nature. Lives in large flocks. The diet consists of seeds, grains, nuts, fruits, flower etc.
  • FOOD SERVED HERE : Soaked maize, soaked gram, sunflower seed, kusum seed, ground nut, sugarcane, fruits, milk, bread.
    1. BODY LENGTH- 50 cm
    2. BODY WEIGHT- 815 - 975 gm
    3. BODY COLOUR - White with yellow crest and ear coverts
  • LIFE-SPAN : 65 years
  • THREAT : Habitat destruction